The art of working on your home's landscaping is a big deal. How well you do your landscaping directly reflects on you as a homeowner, so if you want to give your friends, family, and neighbours a good show, you'll want to take care of your home's looks.
That being said, landscaping can be a difficult thing to deal with if you don't really know what you're getting into. You could easily end up turning your living quarters into the disaster of the century.
To keep that from happening, here are a few landscaping tips that you should use to help bring out the best in your house's landscaping. Keep reading to find out more!
Landscaping Tips for Your Home: Ditch the Mower Bag
Many people think that when mowing their lawn, they're doing themselves a favour by using a mower bag. In actuality, they're working against themselves.
Using a mower bag to trap cut grass actually keeps good critters like earthworms and microbes from enriching your soil. Try leaving the bag alone next time and allow these creatures nutrients to eat, so they can, in turn, make your grass greener.
Leaving the grass clippings to lay will essentially feed your lawn by returning that biomass that would have been taken away back into the ground.
Create a Natural Edge
Everyone seems to be fond of edging their property off using plastic or metal materials. Although it does look nice, you end up having the same design as every other homeowner, which won't help your house stand out.
More to the point, natural edging not only allows you to be more creative but is easier to maintain over the long term and provides more flexibility to the landscape should you wish to change it.
Make Sure to Give Your House Some Space
When it comes to gardening, many people like to place their flowers and hedges close to the walls of their home. This looks pretty at face value, but it can cause problems to your house in the future.
Close-walled plants and shrubs can easily tunnel roots under your home, and the loose dirt they stand on will allow rainwater to run under your house. Place them at least one- to two-thirds of the house's height away so you both have breathing room.
We're the Pros You Need
You now know a few landscaping tips that you can use to upgrade your house, but in some cases, it can be a bit more difficult than you think to make it work. In those instances, you'll want a professional to help with the job—and we're the ones you need.
At Scott's Landscaping, we offer high-end landscaping work for a price that will fit your budget. Our services include landscaping design, landscape construction, grounds maintenance, snow removal, and more.
Ready to get started improving your home? Just give us a call or send us a message so that we can get you started. We look forward to helping you create your landscaping masterpiece!