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How to Explore a Modern Landscape Design for Your Home

Posted Apr 14th, 2021

How to Explore a Modern Landscape Design for Your Home

When guests come to your house for the first time, your landscaping is the first thing they notice. They may have impressions about your home and how well you care for it before they even enter the front door. Have you ever took a moment to wonder what your landscaping says about you?

Of course, we all want our homes to appear clean and uncluttered. Modern landscaping not only achieves this aim but is also easy to maintain. If you are considering a modern landscape design for your home, here's what you should know.

Modern Landscapes Complement Your Home

Unlike English gardens, where the plants grow wild, modern landscaping is all about containing your plants and restricting them to a particular area. Through carefully planning, this landscaping style gives your home a clean and organized feel.

Defined shapes such as rectangles, triangles, squares, and circles all have a place in modern landscaping, and not just for their aesthetic appeal. They are used to define areas for plants to grow.

Modern gardens use colours, textures, shapes, and materials that complement the architectural style of your home. Also, the plants and materials used are native to your area, meaning that you don't have to worry about them surviving the cold winter or summer's heat.

Modern Landscape Design Ideas

Planning out your landscape isn't as simple as purchasing your plants and getting to work. Planning and principles of design are essential if you want to create a beautiful yard. These principles will guide you as you plan visually appealing elements to achieve the desired look.


If you want to display different elements in your yard without them clashing, bring in colours, plant types, and decor that create a common theme or pattern. Then, use them throughout the yard to achieve repetition and consistency.


When it comes to balance, there are two different types. The first, formal symmetry, can be represented by a leaf or a butterfly with symmetrical sides. This beauty in the landscape comes from balancing the yard's two sides with the same elements.

However, creating informal asymmetrical balance involves using different objects or details on either side of the landscape at differing heights. You can use triangles to accomplish this type of balance.


Proportion comes down to the size of the elements in your garden. Since every detail has its place in modern landscaping, nothing should be allowed to run wild. You can achieve proportion through maintenance, such as regularly pruning and trimming shrubs and plants.

Modern Landscaping Services

Designing your modern landscaping plan can be overwhelming, especially if you haven't previous experience. Instead of doing it yourself, why not call us at Scott's Landscaping? Using the latest technology, we can help you plan and visualize your modern landscape design fully.

If you're ready to get started with your dream project, contact us today for your consultation!

Don't hesitate to ask us a question.

Please feel free to contact us if you have a question, would like to discuss your potential project, or desire an estimate. Start now to plan for the 2024 Spring Season!


  • Landscape Ontario
  • Unilock
  • Permacon
  • Canadian Nursery Landscape association
  • Techo-Bloc